North Smithfield Public Library In partnership with the library we are providing sensory friendly and neurodivergent affrirming nature-based open-ended activity stations for children of all abilities. The sensory friendly events are designed to encourage creativity, sensory exploration, and creating friendships. Our partnership aims to provide families an opporunity to enjoy an inclusive and judegment free environment.
AI Systems™ Inc. is a technology company dedicated to teaching machines to think. Specializing in products using data science, deep learning and neuroscience. Support for Tiny Hike Grassroots Co-op comes from the desire to shape the minds of the next generation of critical thinkers and empower young learners. Together we can make a difference in education.
Mint and Moonlight is a small family owned and operated online shop of handcrafted little treasures. Support for Tiny Hike Grassroots Co-op comes from the belief that creativity and hard work should be nurtured in the future generation. Our partnership hopes to build positive self-esteem and confidence in young creative minds.